Soothing sounds. Weightlessness. Calm. Floating on water brings about a change in sensory experience, creating perceptions that are different from the norm, contrary to the frenzy of day-to-day life, accompanied by an overwhelming sensation of freedom.
Out of this experiences comes Intro, a diptych that attempts to transfer to the visual universe something as intangible as the calmness and tranquillity provoked by contact of the body with water.
Sonidos apaciguados. Ingravidez. Sosiego. Fluctuar en el agua provoca un cambio en la experiencia sensitiva, creando percepciones distintas a las habituales, contrarias al frenetismo del día a día, acompañadas de una imponente sensación de libertad.
Fruto de esta experiencia nace Intro, un díptico que pretende trasladar al universo visual algo tan intangible como la calma y la placidez provocadas por el contacto del cuerpo con el agua.
70 x 100 cm